Иозеф Антон Кох (27 июля 1768 в Эйлбигентфльп - 12 января 1839 в Риме) австрийский художник из немецкого романтического движения. В тирольский художник закончил академическое обучение в Karlsschule Штутгарта, строгой военной академии, совершил путешествие по Франции и Швейцарии. В 1795 году он прибыл в Рим.
Кох был близок к художнику Асмусу Якобу Карстенсу.
После 1800 Кох развивается как художник-пейзажист. В Риме он придерживался нового типа 'героического' пейзажа, пересмотра классических композиций Пуссена и Лоррена с более внушительными, горными пейзажами. Он выехал из Рима в 1812 году и оставался в Вене до 1815, в знак протеста против французского вторжения. В течение этого периода он в его работах появляются неклассические темы. В Вене он находился под влиянием Фридриха Шлегеля и любителей старого немецкого искусства. Вследствии этого, его стиль стали жестче, этот новый подход оказал широкое влияние на немецкий пейзаж художников, посетивших Рим.
Joseph Anton Koch (27 July 1768 in Elbigenalp – 12 January 1839 in Rome) was an Austrian painter of the German Romantic movement. The Tyrolese painter left academic training in the Karlsschule Stuttgart, a strict military academy, and traveled through France and Switzerland. He arrived in Rome in 1795. Koch was close to the painter Asmus Jacob Carstens and carried on Carstens' 'heroic' art, at first in a literal manner.
After 1800 Koch developed as a landscape painter. In Rome he espoused a new type of 'heroic' landscape, revising the classical compositions of Poussin and Lorrain with a more rugged, mountainous scenery. He left Rome in 1812 and stayed in Vienna until 1815, in protest of the French invasion. During this period he incorporated more non-classical themes in his work. In Vienna he was influenced by Friedrich Schlegel and enthusiasts of old German art. In response, his style became harsher, and this new approach had a wide influence on German landscape painters who visited Rome.
Joseph Anton Koch (27 July 1768 in Elbigenalp – 12 January 1839 in Rome) was an Austrian painter of the German Romantic movement. The Tyrolese painter left academic training in the Karlsschule Stuttgart, a strict military academy, and traveled through France and Switzerland. He arrived in Rome in 1795. Koch was close to the painter Asmus Jacob Carstens and carried on Carstens' 'heroic' art, at first in a literal manner.
After 1800 Koch developed as a landscape painter. In Rome he espoused a new type of 'heroic' landscape, revising the classical compositions of Poussin and Lorrain with a more rugged, mountainous scenery. He left Rome in 1812 and stayed in Vienna until 1815, in protest of the French invasion. During this period he incorporated more non-classical themes in his work. In Vienna he was influenced by Friedrich Schlegel and enthusiasts of old German art. In response, his style became harsher, and this new approach had a wide influence on German landscape painters who visited Rome.